CFC-Youth For Christ Logo

CFC-Youth For Christ Logo

CFC-Youth for Christ (CFC-YFC, known as CFC-Youth) is the world's largest Catholic youth organization. CFC-Youth for Christ is the young adult ministry of Couples for Christ (CFC). CFC-YFC is a Catholic evangelistic ministry to young people, with the vision to renew society in Christ through the youth. CFC-YFC invites young Christians of any denomination aged 12-21, from all sectors of society, regardless of distinction. CFC-YFC provides a venue for youth to respond to God's call to holiness in all aspects of their lives. In addition to helping strengthen Christian family life, CFC-YFC also shares the universal CFC mission of helping the poor and oppressed. #CFCYFC #CFCYouth #CFCYouth_For_Christ #Dubai #Jebel_Ali #UAE #United_Arab_Emirates
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