Forker Building at Iowa State University, formerly the Physical Education Building, was dedicated in the name of Barbara E. Forker in 1998. Barbara began as a faculty member in the Department in 1948. She was Chair of the Department of Physical Education for Women from 1958 until the departments for men and women merged in 1974 when she became Chair of the newly created Department, a position she held until her retirement in 1986. Forker building includes a swimming pool and 2 large gyms and as well as campus classrooms and 2 dance studios. The Gym for women was completed in 1941 and a new addition was completed in 1974. The completion of the new addition allowed renovations in the older section, including the development of two exercise physiology laboratories. During the 1993-94 academic year, a computer laboratory for students and a motor control and learning laboratory were completed and space was allocated for a biomechanics laboratory. During that same year, the Exercise Clinic was developed in the gymnasium formerly occupied by the women intercollegiate gymnastic team. More recent renovations have allowed the development of the biomechanics laboratory, additional development of the motor control and learning laboratory, an exercise psychology laboratory, a physical activity and health laboratory, and an applied motor development laboratory. This model was completed by Sean Taylor-Davies. #Kinesiology #Physical_Education
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