Levitian Chess/Thrones reorganizes the chess pieces into starting positions in the corners of a symmetric 12x12 board. All the pieces movements are the same as chess except of pawns which move diagonally towards the center and attack on the square. Player turns are taken in clockwise rotation starting with white. Levitian Chess is the original version, Thrones is played on an extra large board with shot glasses and uniquely colored cocktails to differentiate between players. When a piece is captured the attacking player takes the shot and removes their opponent’s piece from the board. Advanced players take more shots, get drunk, and the game self corrects for differences in skill. The game is always played with cocktails not just for color but because there are 64 shot glasses on the board (drink responsibly…seriously it’s a pretty stout way to start an evening). Unlike one-on-one chess, where check is enough, in Thrones you have to capture the king. With 4 players deals and mercy always play a pivotal role and your allies can intervene with their turn to save you. Only taking the King solidifies defeat. When this happen the attacking player takes the king but the defeated player has to chug and clear every one of their pieces left on the board. #bishop #board #checker #chess #four #king #knight #pawn #player #queen #rook #thrones
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