subsolar point UTM globe map

subsolar point UTM globe map

Ayoze M.
against the myth of earth equator having 0º solar rays, this is the trajectory of real 90º incidence solar rays From wikipedia: -"The subsolar point on a planet is the point at which its sun is perceived to be directly overhead (at the zenith);[1] that is, where the sun's rays strike the planet exactly perpendicular to its surface. It can also mean the point closest to the sun on an astronomical object, even though the sun might not be visible."- prthvee grah, kawkab al'ard, globe, Xíngxīng dìqiú, terra, Планета земля, Planeta zemlya, tierra, karih ardih, terraqueo, глобус, terrestre, globo, planet, globus, planeta, planète terre, glob, duniya, world, Mir, alealamia, monde, Shìjiè, mundo
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